Reporting and Assessment
'Nothing we do to, or for our students is more important than our assessment of their work and the feedback we give them on it. The results of our assessment influence students for the rest of their lives...'
Race et al.
Assessment lets our teachers see what progress students are making and provides the information which assists them with planning how to help each individual make further improvement throughout the year. Assessment also enables us to report information to you as a parent, as well as helping students make choices about the examination courses they will follow and the qualifications and careers they will seek. By carrying out regular assessments it enables us to measure each student’s progress towards their expected outcomes, and ensure interventions are put in place if required.
At ICHS, the progress of students is monitored using a variety of methods both inside and outside of the classroom.
Some of the methods we use are:
- In-class or online quizzes
- Homework tasks
- Peer feedback activities
- Problem-solving tasks
- Case Studies
- Formal exams
- Multiple choice question tests
- Open book tests
- Essay writing
- Digital activities such as making a video, audio track or website/webpage
- Portfolios in Art & Design Technology
- Presentations
- Performance review in PE
Reports called PC’s (Progress Checks) are shared with parents, via e-mail, at regular intervals throughout the year and these include academic performance alongside data from our ClassCharts system that considers behaviour and attitudes to learning. Student attendance is also included as a summary for consideration.
Each year group within the school has a formal PCE (Parent/Teacher Consultation Evening) with appointments booked through our dedicated web based platform. Alongside these evenings additional events to support curriculum engagement feature in our school calendar. These events cover topics such as options choices, UCAS and applying to the sixth form.
Should staff or parents have a concern about student progress between the reporting periods, teachers are contactable by telephone or e-mail. Where concerns spread across several subjects the Director of Student Development will intervene to co-ordinate an appropriate support package.