

Ilford County High School is a selective boys’ grammar school. All admissions are based on the Redbridge 11+ examination.  The London Borough of Redbridge are the Admissions Authority, and they admit 180 boys into Year 7 at Ilford County High School each year. 

A waiting list is maintained by the London Borough of Redbridge, and should a place become available in any year group in the main school (Year 7 to Year 11), it will be offered on the basis of the London Borough of Redbridge waiting list.  The school manages its own admissions into the Sixth Form under the London Borough of Redbridge’s Admissions policy.  The borough remains the Admissions Authority for Sixth Form admissions.

In recent years the school has admitted more boys into the Sixth Form than the number intended to admit.   Offers for places in the Sixth Form are based upon predicted GCSE results and confirmed following the publications of result in August.  The Sixth Form admissions process begins with an Information Evening, which is advertised in the local press and on this website.

The link below goes directly to the London Borough of Redbridge admissions arrangements website, where additional information can be found.  For details of Sixth Form entry requirements, please see the Sixth Form section of our website.

Admissions Criteria

London Borough of Redbridge Admissions Arrangements 2023 - 2024 London Borough of Redbridge Fair Access Protocol 2023-2024 London Borough of Redbridge Co-Ordinated Secondary School Admissions Scheme 2023-2024 London Borough of Redbridge Admissions Arrangements 2023 - 2024

All information and procedures are dealt with by the London Borough of Redbridge. Please contact the LBR Secondary Admissions Department by emailing 

or click the link below to visit their website. 

Further Information on the 11 Plus Test